Xinjiang Sets New Fineness Record for Micron Superfine Wool
Source: Fibre2fashion Date: 2007-04-25
It is learned from the related department recently, Xinjiang ultra-fine wool set another new record. Now the fine wool flock of 18 micron fine wool has emerged in Xinjiang, among the flock, the fineness of a large amount of fine wool is of 17 micron.
Meanwhile, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has successfully cultivated the breeding material of 4-15 micron fine wool.
According to statistics, currently the total number of Xinjiang fine-wool sheep reaches eight million. The average wool fineness is about 21 micron, wool output amounts to 35,000 tons, accounting for one-third of the country’s total output.
China’s fine wool processing capacity of the wool textile industry is over 400,000 tons. Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Jilin Province and other wool producing areas can only provide more than 100,000 tons of wool per year, most of the rest will have to import from Australia and other countries.