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President of CNTAC meet with the Director of Swiss TEXTILE

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On Apirl 24th, Mr. Du Yuzhou, the President of China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC) had a meeting with Dr. Thomas Schweizer, who is the Director of Swiss Textile Federation, in the CNTAC building, Beijing, China.

During the half-hour talk, they exchanged the information about the development of textile and clothing industries in both countries. According to Dr. Thomas Schweizer Swiss textile and clothing sector witnessed a positive trend in the whole 2006 and the first quarter of 2007. And for Switzerland, machinery and technical textiles are strength.

Mr. Du said that in recent years, China’s textile and apparel industry had been keeping the healthy steadily development and focusing on the reform of its growth way. Science and technology, brand and international cooperation are still the priorities. And we are going to enhance the awareness among the Chinese companies of social compliance.

In addition, the two organizations made a discussion about further cooperation between each other, and proposed to sign an IPR agreement and MOU of Cooperation in this August.