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Network of Export to China Opened during Canton Fair

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The network of Export to China was formally opened recently. It was propagandized on the spot at import pavilion of Canton Fair and warmly welcomed by foreign exporters.

The network is a product information exchanging platform set up for foreign countries’s products entering Chinese market. It attaches importance to utility and interaction, and set up commodity publishing system, classification searching system and searching by region or key word system, so as to convenient the users to efficiently and quickly publish or find the target commodity through all kinds of means. It provides functions like publishing information for supplying, purchasing and cooperation. At the same time, various questions raised by users can be answered promptly.

The network provides an opportunity for the suppliers worldwide to show their products to Chinese market. The specific products and services information could be past freely to China as well as the world purchasers and consumers. Meanwhile, suppliers worldwide could get the demand of Chinese market freely as well. The products could be sold in Chinese market without going abroad.

The information published on the network is mainly provided by all countries’ governments, chambers of commerce, associations, international organizations and trade promotion institutes. Manufacturers and merchants could publish the commodity they produced or operated individually as well. Chinese purchasers could publish their demand through the network so as to find more supplying choices in the world and meet more excellent suppliers.