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China's Textile & apparel exports to US increasing

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Offiicial statistics by China Customs reveal that China's textile and apparel exported to the US stood at USD 24.8 billion during January–November 2006, representing increasING  18.02 percent year-on-year.

China accounted for 28.75 percent of total US textile and apparel imports, becoming the top supplier.

Clothing import volume stood for 17.11 billion square meters, a rise of 9.92 percent over the previous year. Imports from China reached $16.943 billion, a surge of 18.15 percent and accounted for 25.56 percent of total apparel imports, ranking number one.

From January-November 2006, Chinese textile imports by the US touched the $7.857 billion mark, soaring 17.74 percent.

China grabbed 39.32 percent of total US textile market and remained at the top of the ladder.

And China's textile import volume was 11.157 million square meters, increasing 11.36 percent compared with a year ago.