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World Cotton Production Slightly Up in 2006/07

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2006/07 world cotton production is forecast at 24.9 million tons, up 1 percent from last season. Most cotton has been harvested in the northern hemisphere, where 2006/07 production is projected at 22.7 million tons, up 270,000 tons from last season.

Cotton area in the southern hemisphere is expected to increase by 6 percent to 3.3 million hectares, but the average yield is forecast to decline by 9 percent to 647 kilograms per hectare.

As a result, 2006/07 production in the southern hemisphere is projected at 2.2 million tons, down 3 percent from last season.

Driven by China (Mainland), world cotton consumption is forecast at 25.5 million tons in 2006/07, up 3 percent from last season.

World cotton imports are projected at 9.0 million tons in 2006/07, down 5 percent from the record reached in 2005/06 due to a projected decline in imports by China (Mainland).

Click here to view the graphical presentation of World Cotton Supply and Distribution.