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China Textile Feedstock Market Forum Scheduled for July 2012

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Textile professionals, particularly primary processors, have had an increasingly difficult time controlling costs in recent years due to volatile fiber prices – especially cotton. As a result, industry stakeholders are looking for opportunities to collaborate and share ideas with each other to learn more about the reasons for price swings in raw materials, as well as to protect themselves from the risks brought about by such volatility.

One of those opportunities will take place at the 2012 China Textile Feedstock Market Forum, to be held in Zhangjiagang City (Jiangsu Province), China, July 5-6, 2012. Jointly organized by the Shanghai office of the China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC) Shanghai Office and the China Chemical & Fiber Economic Information Network (CCFEI), the forum will focus on broad areas of interest for the textile industry with three primary themes:

Analysis of the macroeconomic environment in China and overseas

The market perspective on textile raw materials

Research and development strategies to reduce risks

The Forum will help participants find insights to guide their business strategies, and provide useful materials for studying the structural changes that have taken place in the textile industry.

The Zhangjiagang Free Trade Zone Textile Resources Market is the ideal setting for such an event. One of the largest cotton trading centers in China, it focuses on imported textile feedstock, including cotton, wool and chemical fibers. In 2011, the market saw a turnover of about $3.7 billion, including 12.5% of China’s total cotton imports.