Textiles Maintain High Growth Rate in 2006
Source: Fibre2fashion Date: 2007-05-25
Though under internal and external pressures, China’s textile industry still maintained a comparatively high growth rate in 2006.
Above-scale industrial enterprises realized a total output value of 2.4618 trillion yuan, an increase of 21.3 percent over the previous year. Sales income reached to 2.4109 trillion yuan, a rise of 21.6 percent. Above scale enterprises made a profit of 88.3 billion yuan, a boost of 28 percent.
In 2006, the industry exported US $147.1 billion, an augment of 25.1 percent over 2005. Of which, textile product exports marked $52.3 billion, a surge of 18.8 percent. Apparel exports presented $94.8 billion, expanding 28.9 percent.
Reviewing the first quarter of 2007, the industry continued the steady escalation from 2006, having achieved a synchronous development in both production and efficiency. The progress of fixed assets investment has slowed down, as has the escalation of exports.
It is expected that the economic performance of textile industry in the first half of 2007 will maintain a steady improvement, with growth-rate to be somewhat lower than that in the first quarter.