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U.S. Cotton Yarn Imports Rebound in March from Record Lows

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In February, U.S. cotton yarn imports fell to a record low of 4,870 tons, but rebounded to 6,582 tons in March, which was the largest volume since November 2006 but still represented a 41.2 percent year-on-year decline.  While U.S. cotton yarn import demand is very soft due to the continued shrinkage in U.S. textile output, Indian yarns are continuing to take market share from Pakistan.  In March, U.S. cotton yarn imports from India surged to a record 1,677 tons, which represented a 65.1 percent year-on-year increase.  In contrast, Pakistan remained the top supplier, but import volume fell 57.2 percent to 1,972 tons.  The other suppliers were Mexico, Canada and Thailand.  Total first quarter 2007 U.S. cotton yarn imports reached 16,687 tons, reflecting a 45.7 percent year-on-year decline.  Pakistan and India were the top suppliers.